Although tax accountants and lawyers help people to comply with the tax code and reduce their taxes, their work has no true economic worth.
Investors are often left with incomplete information and misaligned strategies regarding their investments.
When an advisor looks at their investment accounts, they often have to reorganize and reallocate assets to correct some of the tax efficiency mistakes.
A starting point for analyzing tax effects is understanding which parts of the portfolio are more likely to result in undesirable turnover that could lead to capital gains taxes.
Our tax advisors have the experience to enable you to stay ahead of your tax objectives.
With efficient planning and management, advisors can add years of runway to a client’s retirement income through tax efficiency.
Contribute to tax-efficient accounts
Diversify your account types
The mixing and matching of income sources come from a variety of accounts
Each account type has different tax treatments and, thus, different ways it can fit into an income plan for retirement.
Choose tax-efficient investments
Match investments with the right account type
Hold investments longer to avoid unnecessary capital gains
The tax rates for the long-term capital gains are much lower than those of the short-term gains.
Assets held for longer than a year before sold fall into a long-term capital gain category.
Harvest losses to offset gains